Boulogne-Billancourt, on 31 May 2022: Exclusive Networks shareholders are invited to the Combined General Shareholders’ Meeting to be held on 21 June 2022, at 3pm at the Company’s registered Office, Auditorium, 20, Quai du Point du Jour, 92100 Boulogne-Billancourt, France.
The documents referred to in the article R.225-73 of the French commercial Code are available on the Company’s website under “General Meetings”at the following address:
The preliminary notice of meeting was published in the Bulletin des Annonces Légales Obligatoires of 11 May 2022 n° 56 (https://www.journal-officiel.gouv.fr/pages/balo) that contains the agenda and the draft text of the resolutions due to be submitted to a shareholder vote.
The terms and conditions to participate and vote to this General Shareholders meeting are detailed in this preliminary notice of meeting. The Shareholders who do not be able to attend physically the General Meeting on 21 June 2022 could exercise their respective voting rights remotely and before the General Meeting, either online using the VOTACCESS secure plateform, or with the paper voting form.
Holders of bearer shares should ask their financial intermediaries for proxy or distance voting forms. Holders of registered shares will directly receive these forms with their convening notice.
Live broadcasting of the Meeting
The General Meeting will be broadcasted live, both in French and in English, on 21 June 2022 as from 3:00 p.m. (Paris time), on the General Meeting section of the Company’s website, at the following address: https://ir.exclusive-networks.com/event-directory/annual-general-meeting.
A replay will be also subsequently available at the same address.
In the context of the Covid-19 Pandemic, the definitive arrangements for participation in this meeting may be updated depending on health and/or legal requirements.
Shareholders are invited to regularly consult the General Meeting section of the Company’s website. This page will be updated regularly to provide the latest information in respect with the 2022 Combined General Meeting, including regarding the arrangements and the draft resolutions.
Please contact the Investors Relations Department should you have any questions
Relations Investisseurs
Directeur des Relations Investisseurs
VP, Global Marketing & Comms
FTI Consulting
Christina Zinck
+33 (0)1 47 03 68 18
About Exclusive Networks
Exclusive Networks is a leading global specialist in innovative cybersecurity technologies, providing services to accelerate the sale of cybersecurity disruptive and digital infrastructure technologies on a global scale. Exclusive Networks helps cybersecurity vendors scale their businesses globally, and offering channel partners (such as value-added resellers, system integrators, telcos and managed service providers) expertise, disruptive technologies and services to fit the needs of their corporate customers. Exclusive Networks also works with several vendors offering solutions in specific sub-segments beyond cyber.
Exclusive Networks excels by combining global scale with local execution. With offices in 43 countries and the ability to service customers across five continents, Exclusive Networks, headquartered in France, offers a “global scale, local sale” model. This model enhances performance in local operations by providing both global and local support. This approach has enabled Exclusive Networks to (i) develop one of the world’s broadest portfolios of cybersecurity solutions from over 260 leading vendors and (ii) develop a worldwide customer base, consisting of over 21,000 VARs, SIs, Telcos and MSPs, indirectly serving more than 110,000 end-customers. Over the period from 2018 to 2021, Exclusive Networks engaged in business in more than 170 countries.
Exclusive Networks’ approach enables vendors to adopt a simple and agile go-to-market model in relation to their cybersecurity and digital infrastructure solutions, while benefiting from Exclusive Networks’ local expertise and market knowledge in each jurisdiction where it operates. Exclusive Networks’ scale is equally important to its customers as their own end-users may be located in multiple regions of the world. In addition, Exclusive Networks helps its customers through its expertise in vendor selection as cybersecurity and digital infrastructure solutions become ever more complicated and keep evolving in the face of increasing cybersecurity threats.